21 research outputs found

    Medical Image Registration by means of a Bio-Inspired Optimization Strategy

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    Medical imaging mainly treats and processes missing, ambiguous, complementary, redundant and distorted data. Biomedical image registration is the process of geometric overlaying or alignment of two or more 2D/3D images of the same scene, taken at different time slots, from different angles, and/or by different acquisition systems. In medical practice, it is becoming increasingly important in diagnosis, treatment planning, functional studies, computer-guided therapies, and in biomedical research. Technically, image registration implies a complex optimization of different parameters, performed at local or/and global levels. Local optimization methods frequently fail because functions of the involved metrics with respect to transformation parameters are generally nonconvex and irregular. Therefore, global methods are often required, at least at the beginning of the procedure. In this paper, a new evolutionary and bio-inspired approach -- bacterial foraging optimization -- is adapted for single-slice to 3-D PET and CT multimodal image registration. Preliminary results of optimizing the normalized mutual information similarity metric validated the efficacy of the proposed method by using a freely available medical image database

    Biomedical Image Registration by means of Bacterial Foraging Paradigm

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    Image registration (IR) is the process of geometric overlaying or alignment f two or more 2D/3D images of the same scene (unimodal registration), taken r not at different time slots, from different angles, and/or by different image acquisition ystems (multimodal registration). Technically, image registration implies  complex optimization of different parameters, performed at local or/and global evel. Local optimization methods often fail because functions of the involved metrics ith respect to transformation parameters are generally nonconvex and irregular, and lobal methods are required, at least at the beginning of the procedure. This paper resents a new evolutionary and bio-inspired robust approach for IR, Bacterial Foraging ptimization Algorithm (BFOA), which is adapted for PET-CT multimodal nd magnetic resonance image rigid registration. Results of optimizing the normalized utual information and normalized cross correlation similarity metrics validated he efficacy and precision of the proposed method by using a freely available medical mage database

    The Romanian National Breast Reconstruction Program - Results and Conclusions after 5 Years

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    The optimization of the breast reconstruction treatment protocols and the introduction of state-subsidized national programs are global priorities. The present paper presents the results obtained within the National Program of Breast Reconstruction at the „Bagdasar-Arseni” Emergency Clinical Hospital, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the surgical techniques used. Materials and Methods: The results obtained after 71 surgical interventions were used for the study. The methodology used involved the use of demographic data, patient history, and the description of the surgical methods and techniques that were used. Results: Among the main results, the paper highlights the fact that mammary reconstruction by using the ‘expander-implant’ surgical technique was 5 times more frequent than the „implant-myocutaneous flap” technique. Post-operative complications have been present in 57% of the patients who associate comorbidities. Breast reconstruction using the TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis muscle) flap was the rescue solution for severe complications. Conclusions: The TRAM flap was proven to be the best technique in the treatment of difficult cases. Carrying out these statistical analyzes related to projects of a national scale form the solid foundation of documented studies that bring a significant contribution to the development of the Romanian medical system

    Spatial Decision Support Systems

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    The satellite image processing is an important tool for decision making in domains like agriculture, forestry, hydrology, for normal activity tracking but also in special situations caused by natural disasters. In this paper it is proposed a method for forestry surface evaluation in terms of occupied surface and also as number of trees. The segmentation method is based on watershed transform which offers good performances in case the objects to detect have connected borders. The method is applied for automatic multi-temporal analysis of forestry areas and represents a useful instrument for decision makers


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    The study aims to present the advantages and disadvantages of the WALANT (Wide Awake Local Anesthesia No Tourniquet) method during the therapeutic protocol of the carpal tunnel syndrome. In order to perform the study the data obtained from the patients who have benefited from surgical treatment in the “Bagdasar-Arseni” Emergency Clinical Hospital were monitored, the analysis being performed on a batch of 41 patients admitted to the plastic surgery department during the period January 2018 - October 2019. The results show that the use of the WALANT method contributes to the increase of the patients’ satisfaction regarding the postoperative result, also being associated with a significant decrease of the overall treatment cost and the global risk level specific to this surgical intervention. Including the WALANT method in the therapeutic protocol of patients diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome is a very good option, being associated with performance indicators that have improved values compared to those obtained by the usage of loco-regional anesthesia involving tourniquets


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    Obiective. Celulita piciorului produsă de Staphylococcus aureus ridică multiple probleme în ceea ce priveşte stabilirea precoce a diagnosticului şi alegerea tratamentului optim, cu precădere în cazul pacienţilor diabetici. Studiul îşi propune să analizeze aspectele clinice şi evolutive ale pacienţilor diagnosticaţi cu celulită de picior. Material şi metodă. Studiul prezintă particularităţile clinice şi de prognostic în cazul a 41 de pacienţi care au beneficiat de tratament în cadrul Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţă „Bagdasar-Arseni“. Rezultate. Rezultatele analizei arată că celulitele produse de Staphylococcus aureus se asociază cu un prognostic favorabil în cazul instituirii rapide a tratamentului antibiotic specific, în asociere cu debridarea excizională seriată. Concluzii. Este binecunoscut faptul că întârzierea instituirii tratamentului poate avea consecinţe devastatoare, culminând cu decesul pacienţilor. Cu toate acestea, nu trebuie neglijat faptul că asocierea tratamentului chirurgical cu terapia antibiotică specifică poate reprezenta soluţia salvatoare în majoritatea cazurilor


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    This paper presents the case of a 36-year-old patient who has been the victim of a deflagration when she was 8 years old, suffering from IIb – III degree burns affecting the upper limbs, thorax and abdominal region. Following clinical evaluation, the therapeutic protocol was developed to address functional and aesthetic considerations. Recovering the right upper leg mobility, discontinuing the retraction of the scar, involving the brachial, axillary and mammary regions, as well as creating local premises in order to facilitate breast tissue expansion before breast reconstruction were the main objectives of reconstructive treatment. The evolution of the burn scars from her childhood requires staged surgical interventions while aiming to create optimal conditions for the development of the affected anatomical structures


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    Objectives. The current research project aims to highlight the effects of diabetes on postoperative progression in patients who have undergone breast reconstruction. Materials and methods. A database was prepared for the study including patients who have undergone reconstructive surgery in the "Bagdasar-Arseni" Emergency Clinical Hospital for a period of 10 years. The incidence and types of postoperative complications and the surgical techniques were analyzed in order to achieve statistically relevant information related to the impact of diabetes on the postoperative prognosis of these patients. Results. After processing and interpreting the statistical data, the study shows that the total length of hospitalization is increased among diabetic patients who have undergone breast reconstruction. Also, the rate of complications is much higher in this subgroup compared to patients without metabolic disorders. Discussions. Complications related to diabetic patients are also identified in the studied group, collaboration with the diabetes physician within the therapeutic team representing an advantage in achieving good and lasting results. Anticipating possible complications, as well as their early identification at the time they appear, is an extremely important element that can positively influence post-operative evolution. Conclusions. The onset of the reconstructive treatment in diabetic patients should be preceded by a metabolic evaluation with the aim of achieving a balanced state, which is the foundation of an effective reconstructive treatment. The identification and early treatment of septic complications was the proper solution for these patients